Monday, April 7, 2008

What to expect

First, let me introduce myself. I'm a senior CPhT at a widely-known chain retail pharmacy. I'm currently also in an undergraduate pre-medicine curriculum.

Pharmacy (retail at least) seems to be one of those professions that breeds a lot of frustration among its employees. And you only need to spend one full shift in a steady pharmacy to see why. Even in the "best" of areas, retail pharmacies without fail attract some of the most STUPID people in existence.

You think I'm exaggerating. "Oh, quit whining, it can't be that bad."

Oh please, just come and see for yourself. You don't even have to participate, you can just stand there and watch. I promise by the end, you'll be tearing your hair out.

Well, the best way to deal with this insurmountable stupidity is to talk about said annoying patients behind their backs. It's the next best thing to saying it to their face- but you don't get fired! (hopefully--unless they overhear you---oops!!)

In addition to morons, pharmacies also attract people on serious behavioral medications (obviously), who never cease to provide entertainment. You just can't make those stories up. You know 'em. The woman coming up to the counter with feces all over her hands, attempting to buy some mundane items with cash, and you're wishing BAD you had a set of latex gloves nearby. The black man in the parking lot shouting, "HAIL THE KKK! HAIL HITLER!" with his fist in the air, and then talks to a voice only he can hear.

Yes, this is what you will find here. Stories, lots and lots of stories. I want other people to see the stupidity, laugh, and maybe worry about the state of humanity a little.

All names and necessary specifics will be altered to preserve HIPAA laws, of course! I like my job, it gets me paid!

And if for some reason, you're reading through these accounts, and see something familiar- that might be about you- then I regret to inform you, you must be a FUCKING IDIOT.

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